The campus | CESDA | 977 300 027


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airport and facilities


The campus


CESDA's facilities are located on the Reus Aeronautical university campus, with an approximate area of 80,000 m² next to the Reus International Airport.

This airport is extremely safe because of its very long runway, its location far from mountains and obstacles, all the radio aids for instrumental navigation and its international traffic, which helps students to learn how airline aviation operates. The area has its own microclimate, which is highly suitable for regular and continuous practice flights.

CESDA's University facilities are located on the Reus Aeronautical Campus.

Furthermore, the city of Reus, near the campus, is located in a powerful hub of economic and social development, which has an important and very dynamic university environment and a truly enriching cultural life. The excellent transport links for Reus and the surrounding area by land, sea and air have placed the region in an optimum location at the centre of the Mediterranean Corridor.

Students at CESDA have two accommodation options: in flats and student residences. You can find more information here.